What Industry Insiders Are Saying
About McGrath Communications Group

It’s always so great to see you in action in your workshop—
you always give such an engaging, compelling, and
humorous presentation!
Five students stopped me in the
hallway after we finished and told me how impressive the
workshop was and their excitement about using their new
skill set in upcoming presentations. Executive Director
Residents Program; Medical School.

The workshops your team provided were educational, fun
and interactive. Regional Associate Director, Regional
Clinical Sciences & Strategies; Pharma Company.

Thank you again for participating in our recent speaker
training meeting in Las Vegas. The feedback we’ve received
from the speakers has been very positive again this year.
Senior Project Manager; Med Ed Agency.

Thanks for being such a great partner! You and your team
are always so great to work with and make our team look

so buttoned-up. Thank you for all of your help – we really
appreciate it. Senior Project Director; Med Ed Agency.

Your group did a fantastic job of moderating the breakout sessions. Associate Account Manager, Med Ed gency.

Thanks again for all of your help in making our first meeting a huge success! SVP; Med Ed Agency.

…McGrath CG and I have worked on several training
projects over the years and I have found that McGrath’s trainers have a great mix of understanding about pharmaceutical industry needs and exhibit a style and enthusiasm for training (and learning) that is contagious. I have seen cardiologists, who are experienced speakers, come out of sessions with McGrath CG trainers and comment on what they have learned. CEO; Med Ed Agency.