Tarp Systems Manufacturing Company
Number of Program Participants: 32
First Year Results: $1,394,616
Participating Organization Profile
The manufacturer is the largest supplier of tarp and cover containment systems in the USA with annual revenues of around $28m. Patents on one of their main product lines had expired and they were faced with increasing competition in an area where they had once had 100% of the market share.
Organization’s Key Objectives
1. Increase throughput that results in increased profitability.
2. Improve material cost/handling in order to increase profitability.
3. Improve corporate health & employee wellness in order to increase profitability and make it a great place to work.
• Over 90 improvement ideas were implemented, for example:
o $700 per annum saving on the stocking system used to ensure the constant availability of stainless steel D rings.
o $466,000 per annum saving by having a component for one of their product lines painted instead of anodized.
• Total first year savings of $1.394 million with benefits repeating in subsequent years.
At the conclusion of the program, the company president said:
“The program crossed a lot of lines. I thought we would see a lot of improvements in the manufacturing area. However, we saw improvements that saved a lot of dollars in areas such as Accounts Receivable, Human Resources, Quality Assurance and Engineering. I personally would recommend the program to any organization who wants to take their business from where it is now to wherever it wants to go.”
What They Say
“The program crossed a lot of lines. I thought we would see a lot of improvements in the manufacturing area. However, we saw improvements that saved a lot of dollars in areas such as Accounts Receivable, Human Resources, Quality Assurance and Engineering. I personally would recommend the program to any organization, Manufacturing or Service, who wants to take their business from where it is now to wherever it wants to go.”.